Friday, June 17, 2011

Corporate Poetry

It seems like whatever joy or enrichment that can be felt viewing most advertisements is not worth their mind numbing inanity. Something about consuming content that treats the world like an impulsive baby leaves me feeling a little... dumber. Such as are my beliefs, on the off chance I come across a commercial that makes me laugh or think, it's a pleasant surprise.

The commercial I present to you here is for Taiwan's most popular liquor (Gao Liang). It (the ad) speaks for itself, so I'll spare you any more introduction:
(forgive my novice translation)

When you want to pick up a beautiful woman
it's like you're drinking Gao Liang.
Your first thought is
don't be silly, you won't succeed.
Don't be silly, you'll be drunk.
Don't be silly, you'll be turned down.
Don't be silly, you have work tomorrow.
But if
your whole life you only go for the sure things,
how can you know
what you're capable of?

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